Where There is Music, There is Colour

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Grade Eight Computers - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Hello Grade Eights!

Today your task is to create a PowerPoint with automatic transitions and animations using the word:
On Slide 1 You will have a photograph a Mary Poppins fly in (to access this feature see the "ANIMATIONS" tab.
On Slide 2 You will have the Word SUPER fly in (or choose an animation you like)
On Slide 3 You will have the Word CALI fly in (or choose an animation you like)
On Slide 4 You will have the Word FRAGILISTIC fly in (or choose an animation you like)
On Slide 5 You will have the Word EXPIALIDICIOUS fly in (or choose an animation you like)
On Slide 6 You will insert a STAR using SHAPES tool on Microsoft PowerPoint and have it fly out.

NOTE: For every Slide in this PowerPoint, you will need an AUTOMATIC transition. This means that you will need to select the perfect amount of time for each slide to pass and choose "AFTER" not "ON MOUSE CLICK". If you choose "ON MOUSE CLICK" your slides will not progress automatically.

This all being said, please add a SLIDE TRANSITION to each slide.
Miss Rybinski has a sample to show you for this assignment.

Save and submit to the Grade Eight Computers Hand-in Folder as Last name, First Letter of First Name, PowerPoint Practice #5

Miss R

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