Where There is Music, There is Colour

Monday, May 9, 2016

Grade Eight Computers May 9, 2016

Grade Eight Computers:

Your task today is to create a Trivia PowerPoint Video!
This assignment requires the use of a) several slides (32 to be exact) and b) HYPERLINK ACTION.
Here are your instructions:
  1. Create a new Presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  2. Make sure you have 32 blank slides.
  3. Make sure you include a photograph on EACH SLIDE!
  4. The First slide will be your title slide. In the First Text Box please put “____________________ Trivia” (Ex. Jazz Music Trivia). In the Second Text Box please put “A Quiz by YOUR NAME”.
  5. You will need to ask your audience TEN trivia questions all based on your topic of choice.
  6. Between Every QUESTION SLIDE you will need to have a WRONG ANSWER (and a TRY AGAIN) SLIDE and a RIGHT ANSWER (and continue on to the next question) SLIDE.
  7. For each question you must have FOUR possible answers:
    Ex. What is the name of David Braid’s 2011 Juno Award Winning Album?
a. Vivid b. Volume c. Verge d. Vivacity
8. You will HYPERLINK the three WRONG ANSWERS to the WRONG ANSWER SLIDE and you will hyperlink the RIGHT ANSWER to the RIGHT ANSWER SLIDE.
9. To hyperlink, simply highlight your text and right click. Choose HYPERLINK.
10. Once you click HYPERLINK choose PLACE IN THIS DOCUMENT and choose your destination (which slide you want to hyperlink to)
11. For every WRONG ANSWER SLIDE you have to Hyperlink back to the initial question.
12. For every RIGHT ANSWER SLIDE you have to Hyperlink to the Next question for a grand total of TEN QUESTIONS.
14. Submit to the Hand-in Folder.

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