Where There is Music, There is Colour

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Grade Ten Information Processing Class,
The due date for all of the required components for the Ergonomics Assignment is due on Thursday, April 7, 2016.
You will be presenting your dream office to the class on this date!
Thank you for your work!
After this we will move on to yearbook and music videos!
Miss R

Yearbook Ladder for Info Pro 10

Yearbook Set-Up


Sunset Psalms


Class Portraits and Candids


Grade 10

Grade 8



Grade 11






Grade 12

Grade 7



Grade 9



Teacher Roasts

Rivier Signed Page

Yearbook Team Photo


Individual Pages



41- Waskesiu Trip

26- Freshie Day #1

76/77- Grad Banquet and Grand March #1



46/47/48- Drama Cast, Crew and Candids

19- Gr. 7/8 Boys’ Volleyball



50/51- School Life

42- Orchestra

20- Gr. 7/8 Girls’ Volleyball



58/59/60/61- Final Assembly and Awards

68/69- Grad Cap and Gown



52/53- School Life

44- Bands

18-Badminton/Cross Country

38-Full Chapel Photo

74/75- Grad Awards/Grad Awards List



33- Book Club

32- Model UN

34/35- Rosary Club, Math Club, Social Justice

22/23- Gr. 7/8 Girl’s and Boys’ Basketball



36- Variety Night #1

47/48/49-Drama Full Page Photo and Candids

43- Choirs

66/67- Grad Baby Photos #1

39- Mass/Liturgical Dance



40- Ski Trip

27- Freshie Day #2

70/71/72/73- Grad Formals and Grad Mass

2- Principal’s Address



64/64- Grad Baby Photos #2

21- Sr. Volleyball

24- Sr. Basketball

54/55/56/57- Europe Trip




37- Variety Night #2

45- Bands

28/29/30/31- SLC Stuff and Activities

62- Valedictorian’s Address



78/79- Grad Banquet and Grand March #2

63- Throwing Cap Photo

25- Jr. /Sr. Track and Field

38- TBA

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Music Fest Results

Congratulations to Rivier Academy's Level 2 Band and Level 4 Band for their participation in Music Festival last week. The Level 2 Band received First place in their class with a mark of 85 and the Level 4 Band received First Place in their class with a mark of 86. Thank you for all of your hard work!
With lots of appreciation,
Miss R

Stations of the Cross

Welcome to Holy Week my friends!
During this time in our Church, we celebrate the events leading up to the Passion of Jesus Christ. We commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus Christ through observing the Stations of the Cross.

Here is a video that explains the Stations of the Cross. Enjoy and reflect on the love and sacrifice of our Lord

Friday, March 18, 2016

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend folks! If you are like me, you might enjoy spending some time on your Saturday or Sunday for making a batch of cookies to accompany your lunches throughout the week - or give to your favourite Grade Eight class to Celebrate life with cookies!
Here is my favourite cookie recipe! Give it a try sometime!

NEWMAN'S COOKIES (A classic Mama R recipe)

2 c. white flour
2 c. rolled oats
1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 c. melted butter
2 large eggs.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Mix all dry ingredients.
3. Melt butter and allow a couple of minutes to cool.
4. Beat eggs and add to dry ingredients.
5. Add melted butter to egg and dry ingredient mixture.
6. Add chocolate chips if desired (Milk Chocolate are the best)
7. Roll into balls and bake for approximately 8 minutes until golden brown.
8. Let cool and enjoy!
9. Excellent for storing the freezer!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Grade Eight Computers “Detective Diary” Assignment:


You are on a mission Grade Eights. You have been hired by the CIA to track criminal activity in a country of your choice (ie. Miss Rybinski is working as a detective/secret agent for the CIA in Lourdes, France. There have been criminals who have stolen parts of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes and Miss Rybinski is responsible for tracking suspicious activity in the area.)


Over the course of the next five classes, you are responsible for writing FIVE detective diary entries that include details of your secret agent observations. You must write only ONE entry per class. Each diary entry must include ONE picture with a description (use a TEXT BOX to describe the photo) and use WORDART to place your signature into Diary entry. Each diary entry must be at least two paragraphs (reminder: a paragraph is 3-5 sentences long) in length.  BEFORE YOU BEGIN PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE ON “LEFT JUSTIFIED TEXT (CTRL + L) and SINGLE SPACING (CLICK ON PARAGRAPH UNDER THE HOME TAB AND CHOOSE SINGLE SPACING @ 0 PT.)


In the final journal entry – this is WHEN the CASE IS SOLVED.


Please make use of other Microsoft Word features such as changing the colour and style of your font (You can do this by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + D). You can also add tables by clicking on INSERT à TABLE to write in data that you observed.


You MUST select a PAGE BORDER which is found under the DESIGN TAB in Microsoft word. You can choose a number of different border styles by clicking on PAGE BORDERS.  


Be creative with assignment! Miss Rybinski will have a sample Diary entry for you to refer to.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Computers 8 WHERE HAVE I BEEN Assignment



You are on a trip to your most favourite place in the world and are writing a letter home to your mom, your dad, your sister, brother, friend, cousin – whoever you would like to address your letter to! Your task is to show where you have been by inserting pictures, using text boxes, and including a brief write up of your adventures!


What you must include:

    Ex. Dear Miss Rybinski – O wonderful cookie maker,
    Write letter here.
  2. A brief summary of your events:
    Dear Miss Rybinski – O wonderful cookie maker,
    I am writing to you from Krakow, Poland. I arrived here two weeks ago and have fallen in love with the country. Some highlights include going to see the birthplace of Pope John Paul II, Faustina Kowalska and Maximilian Kolbe, seeing the Auschwitz Concentration camp (this was haunting because you could feel a sense of hurt that remains from many years ago), seeing the Wieliczka salt mines, and lastly, spending time with my extended family from Ruda, Poland.
    I have included some pictures in my letter so you can see some of Poland for yourself!
  3. Insert photos that you have saved to your “PICTURES” folder in your libraries. You must insert a minimum of THREE pictures! You must also Insert Text Boxes to describe the image that you have included.

     (Insert a text box below or above the image to describe what is in the photograph)

4. Sign the letter – saving as “LAST NAME, FIRST LETTER OF FIRST NAME “WHERE HAVE I BEEN ASSIGNMENT” and hand-in to the erybinski folder in Computers 8 under “Where Have I Been Assignment”.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

This is a reminder that Rivier Academy's Level 2 and Level 4 Bands will be performing this UPCOMING WEEK at the Prince Albert Kiwanis Music Festival.

The Level 2 Band will be performing two pieces on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th, 2016 @ 9:30A.M. in the St. Mary High School Auditorium. Parents please ensure that your child arrives at Rivier Academy at 8:30A.M. as we will be meeting in our auditorium and walking over to St. Mary High School together. We have a warm-up session 9:00-9:30A.M. followed by the performance and adjudication. This performance and adjudication is open to the public. The dress for festival is black pants (please ensure they are [if at all possible] black dress pants and not leggings), black shoes and socks and full uniform top (tie, vest, blouse/dress shirt). Percussionists must supply their own sticks and mallets but the remainder of the percussionist equipment will be provided.

The Level 4 Band will be performing two pieces on THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 2016 @ 9:30A.M. in the St. Mary High School Auditorium. Parents please ensure that your child arrives at Rivier Academy at 8:30A.M. as we will be meeting in our auditorium and walking over to St. Mary High School together. We have a warm-up session 9:00-9:30A.M. followed by the performance and adjudication. This performance and adjudication is open to the public. The dress for festival is black pants (please ensure they are [if at all possible] black dress pants and not leggings), black shoes and socks and full uniform top (tie, vest, blouse/dress shirt). Percussionists must supply their own sticks and mallets but the remainder of the percussionist equipment will be provided.

Thank you for all your hard work bands and thank you parents for supporting the arts!


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hello Folks! Below is a list of the Information 10 Processing Class' Blog Web addresses! Check them out when you have a moment! They are groovy, psychedelic, funky, wicked, and many more adjectives. Here they are:

Lulu’s blog:
Janaya’s Blog:
Trin’s Blog:
Sana’s Blog:
Lilly’s Blog:
Leah’s Blog:
Asia’s Blog:
Kenzie’s Blog:
Gabby’s Blog:
Lauren’s Blog:
Holly’s Blog:
Hunter’s Blog:

Friday, March 4, 2016

Info Pro Ergonomics Check List

Hello Folks! Here is a little checklist of what is needed for the Ergonomics Assignment. I have also included an image of a sample Spreadsheet with a sample formula for figuring out costs for supplies.

Here is the checklist:

Information Processing 10 Ergonomics Checklist:
  1. Supplies List (on Microsoft Word) (With images, costs and potential location to purchase materials)
  2. Spreadsheet with proposed Budget (we will talk about using formulas in Microsoft Excel once we are close to creating our budgets/monetary supplies list.
  3. A Layout of the office (either designed in Paint, Microsoft Word (with shapes) or by hand if you so wish!)
  4. A PowerPoint that includes your proposed budget, ergonomic supplies (this can be copied from your Word Document supplies list) with a description of how those supplies are ergonomically correct, and last but not least, the dream office layout.
Here is the sample Spreadsheet:

Sample Spreadsheet: Column A = Item Name, Column B = Quantity (# of), Column C = Cost of Item, Column D = Total Cost of Individual Item (Formula =(ColumnNameRowNumber*ColumnNameRowNumber), Column E = GRAND TOTAL

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2016

Hello everybody!

I returned to Prince Albert from the Annual Los Angeles Religious Education Congress on Tuesday Morning at approximately 1:04A.M. My time spent at the LA Religious Education Congress was absolutely AMAZING! I have never celebrated the Eucharist with so many other individuals in one place at one time! When we recited the Lord's Prayer the words echoed and boomed throughout the arena at the Anaheim Convention Centre - a structure nearly as large as my home town (OK, perhaps that is a bit of an exaggeration...but the centre was heeeeeuge!) The Congress was an experience I will cherish forever (which is a really, really long time). I met so many amazing people from all areas of the United States of America...New York, Chicago, Half Moon Bay...just to name a few. I recognized how powerful love and mercy are in our world! I encourage all of you to SMILE at every person you encounter and see what their reaction is! (It's actually really fun!) God bless you all and I hope you enjoyed your loooooong weekend! PAX, CARITAS ET CONCORDIA! (Go Google the English translation for that rrrrright now).
The Anaheim Convention Center @ Los Angeles, Anaheim, CA


WHO AM I ASSIGNMENT?                                                       COMPUTERS 8 – 2016

Is to design a full page layout of WHO YOU ARE using only WORD ART (this is found under the INSERT TAB in MICROSOFT WORD) and by inserting images also found under the INSERT TAB à PICTURES. Your story needs to tell us
a)    WHO YOU ARE (Your name)
b)   Where you are from
c)    How old you are
d)   What grade you are in
e)    What your favourite food is
f)     What your favourite sport is (if you are not into sports perhaps put your favourite hobby such as reading, art, writing music, cross-stitching, etc.)
g)    A dream of yours (ie. Someday I want to be an astronaut on the NASA team.)

h)   Once you have brainstormed your “favourites” make a list of them on one page in Microsoft Word, and on the next page, complete the Word Art and Images Challenge! (Page one – “Favourites” Brainstorm. Page Two – Word Art Challenge!)
i)     Take your time with this assignment and be creative! We will be hanging these in our homeroom classroom.